Monday, May 30, 2005

Final Exam Week Syndrome

I have flu, that explains my runny nose and my nasal voice. My lips are all dry and chapped. The skin on my face is all peeled due to dr.titi's creams and it hurts so much my face is burning. I'm having my dear period. I sweat a lot but I feel cold. Eugh. Those among other things.

It's one of those days when I wish I had stayed in bed.

Saturday, May 14, 2005 suicide rope..


That's for the last few days that have been so pleasant.

=) =)

Those are for the fact that mr.dogol drove me home yesterday.

x) x) x)

Those are for the way mr.dogol waved bye to me this afternoon. Unsignificant and unimportant, but sweet.

I've wrote the whole, long story about lately earlier. But messed up and lost a big part of my entry. So...For today, that's about it.

Monday, May 02, 2005

li'l note

For Ped and Roz, if you read this...
Thanks for the evening! I was missing you guys so much lately, sosomuchyoudontknowhowmuch, it hurt. Ahahah, noraknya gua memang. But that just the way it is. Senangnyaaaa gua jumpa dengan kaliaan!!! Lovya mwah-mwah deh!!!

Oya, Bun, I love you too! x)