Sunday, June 24, 2012

now the sky could be blue, i don't mind, without you it's a waste of time

The skies couldn't be prettier here.

It's sunshiny blue in the afternoon--dotted with kites, it's somewhat magical with indescribable colours during sunset time, and it's bejeweled with winking stars at night.

And all I can think about is, if only you were here.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

they couldn't think of something to say the day you burst

There are some things that I know already, but once in an unpredictable while, they sink in again and I'm like, wow, I can't believe it. These are two examples of it:

1. Ped's carrying a Bob inside her! I mean, this is the girl who blew cigarette smoke right to people's faces, who spent her youth in a reckless way with her equally reckless friend, who couldn't stand little kids. You did great, Boni, and you'll do even greater!

2. Me, living by myself. It's only been two months and yes, there were a few breakdowns, but here I am, making do. Aren't you proud of me? Doesn't matter, I'm proud of myself.

Well, that's today's two cents. Not much, but probably more than the updates in your blog. Yes I'm looking at you, you-too-many-to-mention-bloggers-who-leave-blogs-to-die.


Wednesday, June 06, 2012

The latest issue of Jakarta Java Kini (no, this is not a shameless plug) features an article titled "You know you're a true Jakartan when...". The last point in the article is:

A true Jakartan is darn proud to be a Jakartan
Jakarta is not an easy place to live in, what with the traffic, the heat, the escalating crime, the regular demonstrations and, of course, the annual deluge and the five-yearly mega-floods. And if all that doesn't sound challenging enough, making a living in Jakarta is not always an easy proposition. any real Jakartan worth his salt though is nevertheless proud to be a part of this complex capital. Perhaps the source of this pride comes from being able to take on everything that the city is able to throw at you every day and still come out on top. More likely though, this pride in the nation's capital comes from being a part of a city that is both fast-paced and hectic, and yet which is never lacing in subtleties. Jakarta is a city that traverses the cutting edge but which also has a human face. It is a truly challenging place and yet brims with boundless possibilities. Good luck out there folks!

And it couldn't be more true. I am proud to be a Jakartan. The capital isn't for the weak. It's evil and ruthless, but it has that certain urban magic that you don't get anywhere else. There's something oddly comforting about the uninvited rain that ruins your after-office appointment. And as you scream profanity to the motorbike rider that makes a sharp cut just an inch from your car, you feel at home.

However, later on, few months from now, can I still call myself a Jakartan? Bali has sort of grown on me and I actually like it. Will I come across the point where Jakarta ends and Bali begins? Well, whatever happens then, it's nice to know that I still have a pinch of Jakartan's perseverance... ...or cockiness, whatever, in my pocket.

Anyway, hometown, see you in a bit ;)