Today, I felt like throwing a punch (or more) to someone's face. One of my classmate (name is confidential. hint: starts with J and ends with K, with AC in between).
I didn't get much sleep last night, and with the hot air today, I just couldn't concentrate. So I dazed off more in my classes today. Ofcourse just my luck, in two of my classes, the lecturers gave me questions. Coincidence, coincidence, they both asked "whatsyouropinion" questions. What's my opinion about what??!! I didn't give the slightest fuck on what they said. And then, Jack--being an over-energetic pain in the ass today--kept on teasing, knowing that I couldn't answer those questions. Trus mas Yudi juga gak oke responsnya pas tau gua gak bisa jawab. Fuck, I'm not in the mood for sarcastic remarks.
Argh! I feel like exploding. I only wanted 2 things:
[a] Coffee. Lotsa and lotsa.
[b] A bullet through my head.
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