Saw his car today @ PIM parking lot...Didn't see him, though. That's okay. But now he's whirling inside my head. Heheh, nothing bad though. *nyanyi dulu, ndro* "it's no good, i want you in my room all day instead in my mind".
Anywayys...I can't switch on my cell phone!!! Argh, it's frustrating! What can I say, I'm a 21st century metropolitan girl. I need my cellphone. Sure, mom'll have it repair by tomorrow and I know I still have the guarantee card--so it'll cost nothing (hopefully)..But still...It kinda freaks me out thinking about all my pictures, all the text messages, and what might happen to them.
One more thing, why can't I show my title here?? Where is it?? Sindrooo, mulai frustrasi gua benerin ni blog!! Gimana doooong?? Trus sama commentnya kok systemnya lagi down mulu. Kapan gak downnya dooonnnng?? Anyone who knows how to deal with the entry title and the comment system, please do leave a message. Oops, no you can't, bcos the comment system is down!! Well, if you know how, email me:
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