Today in the History
2001 I got jealous from seeing Jefta's SMS for Palupi which had him asking if she wanted to be his girlfriend.
2004 I was busy thinking about the difference between love and obsession.
Blah. I don't actually have anything significant to post, that's why I went to my old journals for an entry (or some) to post. By the way, isn't it funny when you read something that happened years ago, like above. Jefta. Ahahah. The one who constantly made my day back then. Little did I know, he was the king of gombalisme.
Enough reminiscing, let's recap.
Friday to Saturday I stayed at Nandia's place in Sentul with some of my classmates. It supposed to be fun, but I was sick the 1st day I got there. I had this throbbing headache and there was no Panadol merah. Didit wasn't helping when he forgot to buy one at the mini market. So I gulped Neozep instead and it didn't help. So there I was, laying around all day with my eyes glued to the TV screen because I couldn't move my head without killing it slowly. By the time the drug kicked in, everyone was ready to go to sleep (some of them were already asleep!). Boo. The next day, very very early in the morning, everyone was ready to go home. Darn headache.
Yesterday I was supposed to call Ebonk to have my computer fixed. But I somehow forgot to call. Smart. Besides, I told him I'd be free saturday and he didn't call, so I assumed he had other thing to do. Speaking of him, he offered me and Pedhe to go to this beach--I can't remember what it's called, so that I wouldn't get upset about this Bali-is-off thing. I kind of turned down the offer, saying I'm not upset. Besides Bali was the beach I had in mind, not some other. But anyway, that was so nice of him, don't you think? Maybe it seems like nothing, but I think it was a supernice gesture and is worth-writing.
Chichi stayed over last night. Uw, I like having her around. Yesterday I helped her making pom-poms. Yes, it brought back the memory of aching fingers from cutting all those crepe papers. And earlier today she had this cheerleading competition to celebrate the oh-so-important event, Ulang Tahun Makro that is. Oh, I was so proud that she has grown to become a pompom-waving girl like I did xD I woke up early this morning to watch her perform. Then out of the blue mom said she had this important business to do first. Voila, I was late. Anyway, I miss my cheerleading days. Hahah. Back from Makro, Chichi and I secretly took pictures of ourselves wearing our cheerleader uniforms just for fun. Omaygad, it was awful. The red-purple combination? I can't believe I used to jump around in those colours. Plus, the skirt wouldn't fit me anymore! Conclusion made, I've made a new, flabby friend over the years called FAT.
Yawn. Me wanna watch TV. So, wait for more updates about my holiday which doesn't feel too much like one.
Summer rain, drifting down your face again,
Summer rain praying someone feels the same,
Take the painkiller, cycle on your bicycle
Leave all this misery behind
[Turin Brakes]