Monday, August 01, 2005

Ma Vie Sans Moi

I just watched this movie called My Life Without Me. Seriously, that is the saddest movie ever! A truly tearjerker. It tells a story about a woman who conceals her terminal illness to make the most of her dying days. This is embarassing, but there I was, crying my eyes out like a housewife who cries during those hallmark movies. Actually the movie is beautiful for those who like drama. Plus, I love Mark Ruffalo and of course Scott Speedman is always good to look at. However, trust me, when the sun is hiding behind the gray clouds and you're home alone without anything to do, I don't recommend this movie; especially if you're looking for something entertaining.

Anyway, after watching it, I came across this one question. No it's not the pitiful question of "Would anyone miss me when I die?", but,
What my life would be without me?

Would anything change? By "change" here, I meant something big. Not just my-room-would-be-vacant-without-me kind of change. Yeah, would anything change? Would anyone change? Like, would mom keep on staying in this house although it'd be too big for just a few people. Or would Nilam stay all day long at kansas without me to accompany her idle afternoon when her boyf is out gambling. And if I could know about my death beforehand, what would I do? What would I say to people? You know, death is one scary thing to face but it's an interesting issue to wonder about. It'd be so interesting to be able to look down on your life when you're not in it, huh? Not that I'm asking for it. I was going to write down the Things to do before I die list, but see, I already missed The Simpsons today and Picture Perfect is coming up on TV in about 15 minutes. I don't want to miss anymore good show on TV.

Hahah, listen to me, one couch potato slash TV addict. I hope I'm not dying soon.

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