Friday, March 16, 2012

did you sail across the sun, did you make it to the milky way to see the lights all faded, that heaven is overrated?

So, I'm moving to Bali. I will answer the FAQs that I bet you're just dying to know (ge-er, gak apa-apa kalo gak mau tau juga gak apa-apa)...

1. What are you going to do there?
I'll be an editor for a Bali-based magazine. Hint: it has nothing to do with Hello! Indonesia or any other Hello! magazines.

2. What does your mom (or parents) think of you moving? How about your boyfriend?
My mom was hesitant at first, but then she thinks this can be good for me. Boyfriend said he'd prefer I stay, but he's been supportive and he thinks it's my time to see the world (yes, by world, I mean Bali).

3. Where will you stay?
I don't know yet. When I do, I'll send postcards. My best friend lives in Denpasar, and I've asked him to look around for rooms for rent. If anything fails, I'll crash at his place if he lets me :D

4. When will you be leaving?
April 16. Or earlier, not sure. I'll start working by the 17th. So if you want to see me, if you think you'll be missing me to death, go make an appointment stat!

5. What made you agree to move miles away from the big durian?
Kapan lagi cing? I'd rather regret something I do than something I don't. if this is a mistake, then it's a mistake I have to make. I can mention many other cliches, but you get my point, right?

6. They say Bali is great for holiday, but it's such a blah if you live there.
You're not helping. Don't you think I have to find that out by myself?

Did I leave anything out? Well, there you go. Wish me luck, and please do visit!*

*I won't provide accommodation, foods, or transportation. You'll have to settle with me and my cheap ideas like coffee by the Circle K.


Anonymous said...

Another reason: ya ngapain juga hidup di Jakarta kalo udah nggak ada gue, the center of your universe..?

Anonymous said...

Lho kok jadinya anonymous ya? It's me, by the way.


nandia said...


atchoo said...

Awww Runiiiii *mewek* I just found out! We gotta meet real soon then! Kalo gini harus sering kirim-kiriman surat kita yah :)

snd said...

i love that you have a FAQ.

what does this mean for our LDR?!?!!