Wednesday, October 10, 2012

a crumb of comfort cookie

"Shit, I'm a nutcase, aren't I?" she said, while wiping the drying tears on her face. It was one of the melodramatic episodes on one of their many date nights.

"Pretty much, yeah," he shrugged.

"Do you think this will get worse? My demons?"

"Yeah, I'm afraid so."

She let out a little genuine laugh, but at the same time she was afraid. It seemed far fetched--and she had been using these "demons" as an excuse for a while now--but what if she really was out of her mind, and what if she wasn't getting any better?

"So what are you going to do about it?" she asked, hoping to lighten the mood. They could think about serious matters on another day.

"We can get a doctor or something to help me help you."

"Will you wait for me while they're putting me through therapies or whatever experiments that they do to nutcases?"

"Definitely. I'm not going anywhere."


sewa mobil murah said...

nice post.. :D

iklan baris gratis said...

aww.. can't wait for the next post.. heheh

snd said...

i don't know if i'm more amused about the comments for this posts... or the post itself :)) :))

runiindrani said...

i know right? even the bot detector can't sto p these ads from showing up. hahahaha