Sunday, August 29, 2004

sunday night b i t t e r n e s s

Last night I & Pedhe went to citos to meet Angga and Oho. Turned out, there were also Ebonk, Tesar and Reno. So we all went to Brew and Co. for some drinks. Not too long afterwards, we were just getting comfy with our asses on the sofa, when suddenly the lights went off and the waiter said that we had to go bcos they were closing. Too bad. It's been a while since I sat over some drinks with people other than BangunEbonkAngga (if you ever come across this, no offense, guys! x)). And last night, Tesar and Reno were at their best selves. They actually produced some words, and one in particular even said 'hi' first--to each of us. Big progress, boys! xD However, yeah, the night didn't last long. Everyone was heading home.

Fortunately, the 'home' i was heading to is Ped's. Yep, I stayed over from friday until this afternoon. Big thanks Ped, for letting me stay over. Really, thanks. It was nice to have a company 24/7. Well, not 24/7 exactly...More like 24/3 or 24/2,5...Yea, whichever, yknow what I mean.

Yeah, and surely, like every other good thing, it ends. Here I am, alone in front of this stupid computer, writing a bunch of lonely words, hoping to get at least a little bit sleepy. Unable to explain why, I'm not feeling my best right now. If only I know who's to blame besides the quiet and cold night air. And then with school coming up in a week. It means no more waking up at o1oo pm, no more laying around all day, no more mall-hopping (yea, I'm a mall hopper, so what?)...Au contraire, it means hello dirty campus, hello nerve-breaking assignment, hello people telling me what to do, and hello annoying. Frustrating.

Well well, lookie, I thought I'd put an interesting, long entry tonight. Guess not. Things never feel right when you're left alone, right?

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