Monday, October 10, 2005

Runi, Ratu D...Drama.

These are four current biggest sins according to moi. Not deadly, but they're definitely in fashion:
1. Su'uzon
2. Mengumbar harapan
3. Mencari kesalahan orang
4. Mencari alasan

I did number three. I've been the queen of cranky since this morning. It was even hard to fake smiles, and I couldn't even stop my facial expression from showing total annoyance. I look for faults in people and yet, I tried my ass off not to snap at people. And then, about 10-15 minutes before I left that hell hole called UI, someone triggered me into a total outburst. Supposedly, the ones who saw me breaking down were just Nilam, Pani, and Bune. And the only one who heard me yelling the most horrific things was Bune. But then words were quickly carried around by the hot summer wind. Sind knows, Nand texted me to say sorry, and the latest is, Imel also apologized. When really, none of them is actually the object of my uncontrollable rage. Hahah. I caused quite a stir there, huh? Was that it? The conflict I've been hoping to happen? Masih kurang aksi sih.

All of this kinda scares me. I'm scared the evil, bite-people's-head-off-with-words me is back =s

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