Saturday, February 04, 2006

get up and see the sarcasm in my eyes

Seven things that scare me:
1. Death, definitely.
2. Losing friends to anything.
3. Bankruptcy.
4. Losing my mom (aku anak mami).
5. Completely losing my sanity.
6. The process of giving birth.
7. Getting old and superfat.

Seven random facts about me:
1. I hate and am terribly scared of anything related to hospitals. Old ambulance (you know, yang putih dan udah agak butut), needles, blood tests, doctors, and the hospital itself.
2. I'm known for saying 'terserah' when given two choices or more. Not because I cannot decide anything, but because I don't mind any of the options.
3. I'm a curiousity-driven person.
4. I talked to my mom's potted plants when I was a little. If you know a plant called sufflir, and you know a young part of it which shaped like swirls, well I called them "tuan ulat".
5. I love attention but not the unwanted ones.
6. I don't believe in happy endings, happy marriage, loyalty, honesty and other muluk-muluk things; but am willing and dying to be proven wrong.
7. I still sleep with my mom even though I have my own room now.

Seven things I hope to do before I die:
1. Go to NYC, better yet, live there.
2. Take my cousins to Disneyland.
3. Skinny-dip or dance naked under the rain. However, as I grow older, i'm having a second thought...
4. Get filthy rich.
5. Bang Guy Berryman... (ini mah muluk-muluk).
6. Get married and have children, maybe. Deep down, I'm still an old-fashioned girl.
7. Cukup beribadah, biar dosanya keapus.

Seven things I can do:
1. I can make people pour out their deepest feelings, stories or secrets; sometimes, without even asking them to.
2. Despise people without any reasonable excuse.
3. Remember dates and events like a walking diary. I know that is nothing, but trust me, when you know people like Bune and Rozelle, it'll count as a special talent.
4. I can make reasonable excuses for everything.
5. Fall easily for anyone one day and loathe them the next.
6. Cut my own hair and still look fabulous.
7. Be a total drama queen.

Seven people who should fill this out:
1. Pedhe
2. I'd like to say Sindro, but she's done it already. I got this from her.
3. I don't have many friends.
4. I don't have many friends who know about this blog.
5. Er...
6. Um,...
7. Well...

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