There was once a little girl who didn't know what a father was. Because she spent her early days learning about her mother, her sister, her grandmother, her grandfather, her uncles, her aunties, but she didn't know what a father was.
Then she grew a bit older, and she learned what a father was when hers visited her. She kind of liked this man that was her father. He was nice, he showered her with love and affection, and he taught her a thing or two about life--such as, how to clip her nails clean, how she should appreciate her napping time because when she got older she wouldn't get much napping time... And how family meetings were unimportant, it's not about the quantity, it's the quality. A father was a blast, for the whole 3-4 hours a month when she was with him.
Then the girl grew into twice as big and twice as old as she was before. 3-4 hours a month was now 3-4 hours in six months or so. She learned why the father didn't come into her life on time. She learned that he should have been on time. She learned that not all fathers were heroes to look up to like what she had learned from movies.
Now the girl was a little bit more mature. She was ready to let go of her selfish resentment over the father. Because these days, she had to learn that people changed--for the better, she had hoped. That the father had his second chance with another family. That all she could do was wish that the father would do better this time around. But then she learned that the father hadn't exactly changed. It was a little mistake, not as big as the one in the past, but it broke her heart. Because she discovered that her father still couldn't be the one to look up to.
Now all the girl can do is hope that she can love someone that loves her as much, that hearts won't get broken, and that trusts won't be taken for granted. Now she goes around loathing any kind of infidelity. She can't see why anyone would do something that can hurt the loved ones. So, if you have a straying heart and you see this girl, don't blame her if she has no respect for you.
Mbaknya kayaknya sensitif bener sama isu ini ya Mbaknya.
Pengen komentar tapi takut. Takut karma. Because I think infidelity is a monster that can creep up from behind at any time.
And who can guarantee our past is free from one?
i never took the issue seriously in the past sampe suatu hari gue merasa takut bgt terlibat dalam yang namanya infidelity. takutnya beda tipis sama takut mati *lebay*
iya gue juga takut karma, takut gue yg melakukan atau gue yg jadi korban.. tapi insyaAllah sebisa mungkin ya kita jauhkan diri dari godaan syaiton *pake mukena, baca Qur'an*
Mari *ambil wudhu, gelar sajadah*
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